Staffing Solutions
Create a new Job Posting in 60 seconds. Once you’ve checked that off the list, use the link to your public Careers page to share open positions via social media, email or text with ease.
A few program benefits
Save thousands of dollars in the hiring and onboarding process.
Background check, E-Verify, EEO/OFCCP, and WOTC screening.
May reduce legal and compliance related HR risk.
May reduce time to hire by 90% or more
New hires to complete onboarding documents before their first day.
Distribute your job to top boards and social media sites in one click, including:
• Indeed • Juju • Facebook • LinkedIn • Glassdoor • Twitter
Saving with GetHired's Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program
Approximately 25% of all employees in the US qualify their employers to receive federal tax credits worth $2,400 to $9,600 per new hire. There is no cap on the amount of the tax credits that an employer may earn, so as your business grows, so will your savings.
Tax Savings Assuming Your Earn $2,400 in Credits Per New Hires
1 New Hire x $2,400 Tax Credits = $2,400 in Tax Savings Per Year
5 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $12,000 in Tax Savings Per Year
10 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $24,000 in Tax Savings Per Year
25 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $60,000 In Tax Savings Per Year
50 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $120,000 in Tax Savings Per Year
100 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $240,000 in Tax Savings Per Year